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Junkjournal pink texture material background paper

$5.89 USD $9.82 USD Save $3.93 USD
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Junk journaling enthusiasts know that the background paper is one of the most important components of any page. That's why we're thrilled to offer our pink texture material background paper in the store. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, our paper is perfect for adding a touch of feminine elegance to your journal pages. The subtle yet intricate texture of the paper adds depth and interest to your pages, while the soft pink color is perfect for creating a cohesive and beautiful theme. Keep reading to learn more about our product and elevate your junk journaling game!

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Junkjournal pink texture material background paper-JournalTale Junkjournal pink texture material background paper-JournalTale Junkjournal pink texture material background paper-JournalTale Junkjournal pink texture material background paper-JournalTale Junkjournal pink texture material background paper-JournalTale

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